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Home>>Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

Dryness of the mouth usually occurs due to a decreased function of the glands that produce saliva.

Some of the Causes of Dry Mouth

A permanent feeling of dry mouth or decreased saliva flow can be caused by:

Biological ageing, Systemic diseases as Rheumatoid condition, Dysfunctional immune system (like AIDS), Hormonal disorder (like diabetes), Neurologic disorders (like Parkinson's disease)

Decreased chewing ability - resulting in a liquid diet and soft food choice which tend to decrease the flow of saliva

Surgical removal of salivary glands

Dry mouth can occur due to Radiation therapy (radiation can result in permanent damage to the salivary glands) & Drugs or medications - few drugs cause dry mouth as a side effect including decongestants, diuretics, antihypertensive, antidepressants and antihistamines

Signs and Symptoms

Some common signs and symptoms for oral dryness:

  • Burning sensation of the tongue
  • Difficulty in eating (especially dry foods)
  • Difficulty with speech
  • Often thirsty
  • Difficulty wearing dentures
  • Dry, cracked lips and cracks in the corner of the mouth
  • Impaired taste

How to Control Dry Mouth?

  • Frequently drink water in small pints
  • Keep water at bedside at night
  • Chew gum (preferably sugarless)
  • Avoid tobacco, alcohol and high sugar food
  • Adjust humidity at home
  • Use saliva substitute
  • Make a plaque control program
  • Use fluoride toothpaste (or rinses or gel)

Dry mouth can cause oral discomfort and may have serious consequences. If you feel you have this symptom, please visit us.

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Get In Touch

Thangam Dental Clinic
52/91 P.S.sivaswami Salai,
Mylapore, Chennai.
Landmark: Near Classic Restaurant
Pincode: 600004
For Appointment :
+91 - 44 - 24981089
+91 - 9444028540